Choose a Project area

We provide a wide range of themed units, lesson plans, activities and booklets for your to choose from


Bring ancient civilizations and the modern world to life with every project. Our unique History units are jam packed with hands-on activities, active-reading, audio and video lessons, games and interactive lessons

Explore History Resources


Connect learning to the real world through engaging, open-ended lessons. Our lessons help students to build a foundation in numeracy while weaving in the excitement of applying ideas to the real world.

Explore Math Resources


No need to order complicated supplies to run even the most memorable science labs. Students immerse themselves into each unit trough videos, hands-on labs and real world skills that prepare students to look at the world in a whole new light.

Explore Science Resources


Whether you are looking to build foundational skills in a unique and creative way, or master the art of essay writing, we have a truly Outside the Box approach to literacy that students rave about!

Explore Literacy Resources

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